RPV-2 Polymer Viscometer
RPV-2 Polymer Viscometer PSL-Rheotek
- Intrinsic Viscosity
- K-Value
- Limiting Viscosity
- Viscosity Number
- Inherent Viscosity
- Relative Viscosity
The PSL-Rheotek RPV-2 Polymer Viscometer is suitable for measuring the dilute solution viscosity of a wide range of polymers. Applications include PA, PET, PVC, PLA, PBT, PC, PE, PP, Cellulose Acetate, Inks, Biopolymers, Pulp and cellulose.
RPV-2 is designed for full integration with sample preparation and sample dissolution modules from PSL-Rheotek. Using these integrated options ensures full integrity of data from end to end in the measurement process.
Polymer Viscosity
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 polymer viscometer offers an all-inclusive package of technology for solution viscosity test work. Accurate control of the very low concentations employed in iv test work ensure high quality of test results. Automating the viscosity measurement work provides timely information for product specification and process control. K-value, viscosity number, relative viscosity results also available as per relevant test method.
With automation of flow time determination, results calculation, sample removal, sample path cleaning and sample path drying, the RPV-2 will save a lot of time in the polymer plant laboratory.
Full Method Compliance
Software configurations for all the most common test methods of solution viscosity are availabe as shelf products. So far, the following methods are covered: ASTM D4603, ISO 1628, part 1-5, ASTM D2857, ASTM D789, ISO 307. New methods are added on a continuous basis. An RPV-2 coded with correct method parameters and equations for calculations of results is a guarantee of full method compliance in the day to day testing work. The capillary tubes installed in teh unit are standard ASTM Ubbelohde.
- Automated functions include:
- Sample push up
- Flow time determination
- Results calcuation
- Self-check of results quality
- Sample removal
- Sample path cleaning
- Sample path drying
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RPV-2 Polymer Viscometer
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 Polymer and Pulp viscometer offers an all-inclusive solution for the determination of dilute solution viscosity. Automation of the measurement process ensures low standard deviation of results. The viscosity determination is carried out in suspended-level type Ubbelohde glass capillary viscometers for full compliance with international test methods.
The RPV-2 includes automation of the measurement of flow times, calculation of results and in-situ solvent cleaning and drying. For sample preparation, either the ISP-1 or iSP-2 can be integrated to provide precise weighing of polymers and solvent addition. A reaction block or shaker is used for sample dissolution. The RPV-2 can be equipped with a sample delivery system or auto sampler.
Polymers - ASTM D2857
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the dilute solution viscosity of polymers in accordance with the Standard Practice ASTM D2857. Two modes are available allowing the user to select the calculation of Relative Viscosity either from flow flow times measurements (i.e. in seconds) or calculated viscosities. The RPV-2 will automatically graph Reduced Viscosity and Inherent Viscosity from a range of concentrations generating the best fit lines to extrapolate Intrinsic Viscosity at the point of zero concentration. (Also refereed to as the Limiting Viscosity Number). The RPV-2 is compatible with a wide range of diluting acids and solvents. The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out either using a wrist action shaker (WAS) or reaction block with programmable stirring and heating temperatures (SD-BM). Typical applications include Polyamide, Polycarbonate, Poly (Methyl Methacrylate, Poly (Vinyl Chloride).
PA - Viscosity Number - ISO 307
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the viscosity number of polyamides in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ISO 307.
The test method requires a 0.5% concentration. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 25 deg. C using the same size of suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements.
For Formic Acid a size 1 viscometer is used and a size 2 for Sulphuric Acid or m-Cresol. The method requires that two successive flow times are obtained within a 0.25% precision.
For each polyamide sample, ISO 307 also requires at least two determinations of the viscosity number in order to meet the repeatability criteria.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) is an ideal configuration as well as the four position RPV-2 (4). The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out either using a wrist action shaker (WAS) for samples dissolved in Formic Acid or Sulphuric Acid and a reaction block with stirring and heating at 90 to 100 deg. C with a programmable timer. (SD-BM).
PA - Relative Viscosity - ASTM D789
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the Relative Viscosity of polyamides using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ASTM D789. The test method requires a high 8.4% concentration. The viscosity of the polyamide solution is related to the solvent (90% Formic Acid). Flow times are measured at 25 deg. C using calibrated suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometers - size 1 for the solvent and a larger size 2B or 3 for the Polyamide Solution.
The method requires that two successive flow times are obtained within 0.2% of the mean. The four position RPV-2 (4) is an ideal configuration for ASTM D789 allowing for one position to be dedicated to the measurement of solvent flow times. Cleaning is carried out in-situ using Formic Acid followed by Acetone. The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out using a wrist action shaker (WAS).
PET - Intrinsic Viscosity - ASTM D4603
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the Inherent Viscosity of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate)/PET in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ASTM D4603.
The test method requires a 0.5% concentration of PET dissolved in 60/40 phenol/1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane solution. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 30 deg. C using the same 1B size of suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements.
The method requires that three successive flow times are obtained within 0.2s of the mean. The RPV-2 software automatically calculates the Intrinsic Viscosity from each single determination using the Billmeyer equation.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) is an ideal configuration as well as the four position RPV-2 (4). The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out using a reaction block with stirring and heating at 110 deg. C with a programmable timer. (SD-BM).
PET - Viscosity Number - ISO 1628-5
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the viscosity number of poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET as well as other thermoplastic poyesters (PBT, PCT, PEN) in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ISO 1628 Part 5.
The test method requires a 0.5% concentration. A range of solvents are specified and for PET, the following are recommended - Phenol/1,2-dichlorobenzene, Phenol/1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, o-Chlorophenol or Dichlororoactetic acid (DCA). DCA solvent is typically used for high molecular weight PET.
Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 25 deg. C using the same size of suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements. Typically viscometer sizes 1C or 1B are used for PET applications. The method requires that two successive flow times are obtained within a 0.25% precision. In particular, the method states that successive flow times shall be measured without emptying or recharging the viscometer.
It should be noted that the viscosity number of a saturated polyester will be dependent upon the solvent selected.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) is an ideal configuration as well as the four position RPV-2 (4). The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. The iSP-1 takes into account insolubles such as fillers or glass fibre. Dissolution is carried out using a reaction block with stirring and heating at a closely controlled temperature (depending upon solvent) with a programmable timer (SD-BM).
PVC - K-Value - ISO 1628-2
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determins the reduced viscosity (viscosity number) and K-value of PVC resins (in powder form) in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ISO 1628 Part 2.
The test method requires a 0.5% concentration. The PVC powder is dissolved in Cyclohexanone. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 25 deg. C using a size 1C suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements.
The method requires that two successive flow times are obtained within a 0.25% precision. It should be noted that two complete determinations are required, each starting with a fresh test portion. K-value results from the two determinaations should agree within +/- 0.4% from the mean value.
For this application the dual position RPV-2 (2) is an ideal configuration as well as the four position RPV-2 (4). The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out using a reaction block with stirring and heating at a closely controlled temperature (80 to 85 deg. C) with a programmable timer (SD-BM).
PVC - Inherent Viscosity - ASTM D1243
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 determines the inherent viscosity (logarithmic viscosity number) of vinyl chloride polymers in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ASTM D1243. The test method requires a 0.2% concentration. The dissolving solvent is Cyclohexanone. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 30 deg. C using a size 1 suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements. The method requires that repeat flow times are obtained within 0.1% precision.
For this application the dual position RPV-2 (2) is an ideal configuration as well as the four position RPV-2 (4). The iSP-1 Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis. Dissolution is carried out using a reaction block with stirring and heating at a closely controlled temperature (85 deg. C) with a programmable timer (SD-BM).
Pulps - Intrinsic Viscosity - ASTM D1795
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 Pulp Viscometer determins the Intrinsic Viscosity (IV) of purified celluloses in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ASTM D1795.
The test method requires a concentration (C) of each sample according to the rule IV x C = 3.09+/-0.5. For a regular dissolving pulp (IV range 3 to 10 dL/g) this concentration will be in the range 0.3 (high viscosity) to 1% (low viscosity). A native celluluse with an IV range between 15 to 30 dL/g, the approximate concentration will be in the range 0.1 to 0.2%. For a regenerated cellulose such as rayons, the concentration will be 1% with a corresponding expected IV in the range 2 to 3 dL/g.
The cellulose is dissolved in Cupriethylenediamine (CED), an alkaline solution. This solution will be senstive to oxidation. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 25 deg. C typically using a size 1B size of suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements (allowing for a kinetic energy correction). The method requires that two repeat flow times are obtained within 0.3% precision.
The RPV-2 software automatically calculates the Intrinsic Viscosity from each single determination using the table set out in ASTM D1795. In addition, the Degree of Polymerization (DP) can also be reported.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) Pulp Viscometer (with nitrogen purge) is an ideal configuration for this method, as well as the RPV-2 (4) Pulp Viscometer. The iSP-2 Pulp Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis, taking into account the moisture content of the sample. Dissolution is carried out using a wrist action shaker (WAS) or reaction block with magnetic stirring.
Electrical Paper - DP - IEC 60450
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 Viscometer determins the average viscometric degree of polymerization (DP) of new and aged cellulosic electrically insulating papers in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with IEC 60450.
The test method requires a concentration (C) of each sample in the range 0.5 < IV x C < 1.5. For a new insulating paper (DP range 1000 to 2000) this concentration will be in the range 0.05 to 0.15%. For a heavily aged electrical paper with an expected DP < 350, the approximate concentration will be in the range 0.25 to 0.8%.
The cellulose is dissolved in Cupriethylenediamine (Cuen) and water, an alkaline solution. This solution will be senstive to oxidation and it is essential that the viscometer is flushed thoroughly with nitrogen. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 20 deg. C typically using a size 1 suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements. The method requires that two repeat flow times are obtained within 1% precision. A repeat of the method is required with a fresh specimen of sample. The two results should agree to within 1% of each other
The RPV-2 software automatically calculates the Intrinsic Viscosity from Martin's Formula. Using the pre-programmed Mark Houwink constants, the Average Degree of Polymerization (DP) is also calculated and reported.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) Pulp Viscometer (with nitrogen purge) is an ideal configuration for this method, as well as the RPV-2 (4) Pulp Viscometer. The iSP-2 Pulp Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis, taking into account the moisture content of the sample. Dissolution is carried out using a wrist action shaker (WAS) or reaction block with magnetic stirring. Note for most papers a shaking time of 16 hours will be required for complete dissolution.
Electrical Paper - DP - ASTM D4243
The PSL Rheotek RPV-2 Pulp Viscometer determins the average viscometric degree of polymerization (DPv) of new and aged electrical papers and boards in dilute solution using glass capillary viscometers in accordance with ASTM D4243.
The test method requires three levels of concentration depending upon the DPv range of each sample.
The cellulose is dissolved in Cupriethylene-diamine (CED), an alkaline solution. This solution will be senstive to oxidation and it is essential that the viscometer is flushed thoroughly with nitrogen. Solvent and solution flow times are measured at 20 deg. C typically using a size 1 suspended-level Ubbelohde type viscometer for both measurements.
The method requires that three successive flow times are obtained within a difference of less than 0.5s between the maximum and minimum time. If this precision is not obtained the test should be repeated with a fresh solution. All tests should be carried out in duplicate. DPv values should agree within 2.5% of their mean value.
The RPV-2 software automatically calculates the Intrinsic Viscosity from the specific viscosity and concentration by Martin's Formula. Using the pre-programmed Mark Houwink constants, the Average Degree of Polymerization (DPv) is also calculated and reported.
The dual position RPV-2 (2) Pulp Viscometer (with nitrogen purge) is an ideal configuration for this method, as well as the RPV-2 (4) Pulp Viscometer. The iSP-2 Pulp Sample Preparation system can be used in conjunction with the RPV-2 to prepare samples on a precise weight to weight basis, taking into account the moisture content of the sample. Dissolution is carried out using a wrist action shaker (WAS) or reaction block with magnetic stirring. Note depending upon the age of the paper a shaking time from 2 to 18 hours will be required for complete dissolution.
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RPV-2 Polymer Viscometer
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